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Roofing tiles Ashton Vale

Ashton Vale
Roofing Supplies

Ashton Vale Roofbase Branch supplying everything you need for your roofing project
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Roofbase Ashton Vale

123 South Liberty Lane, Bristol, BS3 2SZ 

Ashton Vale Roofbase Branch roofing supplies for roofers and building contractors

Welcome to
Roofbase Ashton Vale

Your Local Roofing Merchant
Open to the trade & public

Our branch is conveniently located for you to obtain roofing supplies in south Bristol and the surrounding areas.

We always have extensive stock on the ground which can be delivered and offloaded on site by our fleet of vehicles. Our extensive product range is comparable to any national merchant without compromising on personal customer service – you’ll find everything you need for your roofing construction and maintenance jobs at Roofbase. 


We look forward to welcoming you to the store! 

I’m proud to be heading up an outstanding team who have many years of experience within the roofing industry, priding themselves on delivering great customer service. To match this we also have a fleet of vehicles of all sizes to deliver goods to you throughout Ashton Vale and the surrounding areas. 


We will be carrying an extensive product range and will always have a flexible approach to what we stock to help you fulfil your projects. We’re all 100% committed to this exciting new opportunity and we look forward to seeing you and working together to extend and build some great relationships. 


General Manager 

Chris Porter

Chris Porter Ashton Vale Branch Managersignature
Chris Porter General Manager Roofbase Ashton Vale - roofing merchant
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Roofbase Ashton Vale

123 South Liberty Lane


BS3 2SZ  

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Opening Times

Monday - Friday: 7.00am - 4.00pm

Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED

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Find out more about the Roofbase Brands
Building range roofing supplies Ashton Vale
Flat Roofing Supplies Ashton Vale
Roofing Glazing Supplies Ashton Vale
Roofing Insulation Supplies Ashton Vale
Liquid Roofing Supplies Ashton Vale
Pitched Roofing Supplies Ashton Vale
Solar Roofing Supplies Ashton Vale Vale
Timber Roofing Supplies Ashton Vale
Ashton Vale Roofing/Roofers Training Academy
Roofer laying flat roof supplies in Ashton Vale
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Need Help?

For enquiries, please fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible. 

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